Stress Awareness Month 2020

Tips for you this April

In honour of Stress Awareness Month (April 2020) we have put together a calendar of daily tips to help you destress. We know Hong Kong is going through a difficult time and we want to support you.

This calendar contains tips based on four themes we believe are relevant and important to address at this time: Social connection, COVID-19, workplace, and resilience. Following these small, simple tips can make a difference to both your physical and mental well-being. 

For additional information on stress, please click here.

For more information on how to manage mental health during COVID-19, please click here.

Our themes: 


Connecting with friends, family, and coworkers can be incredibly helpful when feeling stressed; it helps us cope with stressful events and supports good mental well-being. A strong network gives us the support we need during trying times and reminds us that we are not alone. Not maintaining connections with others can lead to further feelings of loneliness. With social distancing recommendations in place, it is more important than ever for everyone to continue cultivating relationships, whether this is through a phone  call, FaceTime, or Zoom. Social networks can be made beyond your family and friend group; try live group workout classes, look online for group forums, or volunteer your time for a cause you feel strongly about. 


The novelty and threat of the COVID-19 outbreak has caused a lot of feelings of unease and uncertainty. It is normal to feel stressed, anxious, angry or sad, especially when there is an overwhelming amount of news and information being shared. It is important to acknowledge your feelings and take care of your wellbeing, to stay well and be better equipped to cope with this. Click here to learn more about managing our mental health during the outbreak.


Many of us have recently had to transition into working from home, in face of the outbreak. This can be challenging, especially if this is something new – it requires a lot of changes, including new routines, less structure, and no offline social support. It can take time to find the right  work life balance at home, where boundaries are less clear. Remember to incorporate the tips we’ve included in our Calendar to help make your work days less stressful and better cope with the changes at hand. 


Resilience is the ability to adapt and bounce back from adverse situations. Although developing higher levels of resilience won’t stop negative events happening in our lives, it can help  us to cope with adversities and reduce the negative impacts of stress. Click here to learn more about resilience.

Download and print your own calendar below:

Download our calendar (PDF) in English here.

Download our calendar (PDF) in Chinese here.

Additional resources: 

Any questions, please email us at [email protected].