April marks the start of Stress Awareness Month and this year we are focusing on work-life balance. Globally, Hong Kong ranks 45th in work-life balance and the top overworked city (KISI, 2020). Poor work-life balance can take a toll to our mental health – when high levels of workplace stress occupy most of our time, we have less time for other aspects of our lives. Work-life balance positively correlates with higher job and life satisfaction, and a lower risk of developing anxiety and depression. It is time to improve our work-life balance and take care of our mental health.


In honour of this theme, we have produced three resources open to the public:

Quick Read: Working to improve work-life balance: Why is it important for our mental health?

Hong Kong has one of the longest working weeks in the world. With more of us working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the lines between our work and personal lives have become blurred. Balancing between work and life is a key protective factor for good work and life satisfaction and overall mental wellbeing. Read more here.


Quick Read: Work Stress, Mental Health and Productivity

Stress is an important component of our daily lives. However, unchecked and unmanageable stress can impact our physical health, mental health, and productivity. Read more here.

Resource: Working Mums – Managing Mental Health Resources

Learn more about common stressors faced by working mums and tips to manage mental health.

It is normal for mothers to feel overwhelmed from time to time, especially for working mums. 60% of working mums carried children below the age of 14 years old (LegCo, 2019). Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, they are facing a surge of stress from juggling between work and taking care of their children. Meanwhile, due to social restrictions, they are also receiving less social support. View our resource here: mind.org.hk/mental-health-a-to-z/working-mums-managing-mental-health/common-causes-of-stress-for-new-mums/


Resource: Transitioning into the Workplace: A guide for fresh graduates  

Transitioning into the workplace is a big challenge for all fresh graduates. Transitioning to a new environment, adapting to new norms and culture, and handling ambiguous boundaries and goals can be frustrating, it has been made especially hard during COVID-19. We have put together some tips and resources to make sure you get the support you need. View our resource here: mind.org.hk/mental-health-a-to-z/transitioning-into-the-workplace/adapting-to-a-new-environment/



Mind HK is pleased to invite you to join our free panels, as part of Stress Awareness Month. All events will take place virtually over Zoom.


  1. Mental Health Stories: Workplace Stress and Work-life Balance
    Date: Friday, April 16th
    Time: 1-2 pm
    Language: English
    Learn more and register here.
  2. Women’s Mental Health: Work-life Balance
    Date: Friday, April 23rd
    Time: 1-2 pm
    Language: English
    Learn more and register here.
  3. Transitioning into the Workplace: Tips for University Students
    Date: Wednesday, April 28th
    Time: 1-2 pm
    Language: Cantonese
    Learn more and register here.