

在英國,國家健康照護專業組織 (NICE)批准腦磁激(TMS)療法用於治療抑鬱症。而美國,食品和藥物管理局(FDA)則在2008年批准用於治療抑鬱症 [1-3]。腦磁激(TMS)療法跟藥物治療和心理治療同樣是一種公認有效治療抑鬱症的方法,並已在世界廣泛使用。

腦神經科學研究發現,抑鬱症患者的腦部左背外側前額葉皮質(L-DLPFC)比非抑鬱症患者的活動量減少 [4-6] ,從而引致抑鬱症的病徵。腦磁激(TMS)療法利用磁場刺激腦部左背外側前額葉皮質,令抑鬱症的病徵得已舒緩 [7-11]。

TMS 過程






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  7. Hadas, I., Sun, Y., Lioumis, P., Zomorrodi, R., Jones, B., Voineskos, D., . . . Daskalakis, Z. J. (2019). Association of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treatment With Subgenual Cingulate Hyperactivity in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open, 2(6), e195578-e195578.
  8. Eshel, N., Keller, C. J., Wu, W., Jiang, J., Mills-Finnerty, C., Huemer, J., . . . Etkin, A. (2020). Global connectivity and local excitability changes underlie antidepressant effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. Neuropsychopharmacology.
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  1. Rosen, A. C., Bhat, J. V., Cardenas, V. A., Ehrlich, T. J., Horwege, A. M., Mathalon, D. H., . . . Yesavage, J. A. (2021). Targeting location relates to treatment response in active but not sham rTMS stimulation. Brain Stimulation, 14(3), 703-709.
  2. Modak, A., & Fitzgerald, P. B. (2021). Personalising transcranial magnetic stimulation for depression using neuroimaging: A systematic review. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 1-23. doi:10.1080/15622975.2021.1907710