Mind HK 媒體獎2020 得獎者已於四月二十二日(星期四)在網上頒獎典禮宣布。恭喜所有得獎者,及感謝所有記者、網絡媒介及媒體專業人士踏出一步,透過媒體平台準確地刻劃精神健康,為其去除污名。特別鳴謝所有評判及講者義務協助評審工作。
Mind HK 媒體獎 2020 得獎者
Journalist 記者 (EN)
Kate Whitehead
Mental Health during Coronavirus
South China Morning Post
Mental Health during Coronavirus
South China Morning Post
- Coronavirus: why hiking is good for your mental health during virus outbreak and flu season in Hong Kong
- Working from home amid coronavirus crisis? Stay sane by adding structure to your day, taking regular breaks, and setting yourself some new goals
- Why Hong Kong panic buying happened: herd mentality, the media, overreaction and distrust
- Coronavirus: how to stay healthy and happy during virus outbreak and flu season, from the vitamins you need to exercise like yoga
- Appease, defuse, enlist a friend: domestic violence in coronavirus lockdown, how to reduce the risk of it, and precautions to take
- ‘Prisoners at sea’: stuck on board cargo ships, crews find their mental well-being under threat
- Work from home anxiety or stress? Get the dopamine flowing by setting yourself reachable goals and doing victory laps when you make them
- Why good mental health is vital for your immune system, how the body and the mind affect each other, and how to improve your energy
- Pandemic positives: the upsides to lockdown, from reconnecting with old friends and family to acts of kindness
- Just been laid off? How to get over the shock, anger, shame, or grief you may be feeling, and the next steps
Journalist 記者 (TC)
Yiing Sze Fong
Broadcast, Flims and Audio 大眾廣播 (EN)
Broadcast, Flims and Audio 大眾廣播 (TC)
Young Journalist 青年記者 (EN)
Tsz Yau Lai, student reporter
PARK So Weon, student reporter
TSANG Ka Yi, student editor
Broken Hearts of the City
Varsity, School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK
PARK So Weon, student reporter
TSANG Ka Yi, student editor
Broken Hearts of the City
Varsity, School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK
Young Journalist 青年記者 (TC)
Digital Champion 網絡媒介 (EN)
Facebook #HearForYou Mental Health Campaign
George Chen, Head of Public Policy, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mongolia, Facebook
Maggie Tam, Public Policy Manager, Hong Kong, Facebook
Jenny Yip, Manager, Corporate Communications, Facebook
Charles Chow, Politics & Government Outreach Manager, Facebook
Aurora Li, Government, Politics and Advocacy Partner Manager, Facebook
George Chen, Head of Public Policy, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mongolia, Facebook
Maggie Tam, Public Policy Manager, Hong Kong, Facebook
Jenny Yip, Manager, Corporate Communications, Facebook
Charles Chow, Politics & Government Outreach Manager, Facebook
Aurora Li, Government, Politics and Advocacy Partner Manager, Facebook
Digital Champion 網絡媒介 (TC)
Heart To Heart 心•照 – By the youth, for the youth
Marketing Team, Heart To Heart
Marketing Team, Heart To Heart
Making a Difference 傑出貢獻 (EN)
A series on mental wellbeing of the public amid Covid-19
Fiona Sun & Emily Tsang
South China Morning Post
Fiona Sun & Emily Tsang
South China Morning Post
- Coronavirus: outbreak in Hong Kong tests mental health of residents already strained by months of social unrest
- Amid coronavirus outbreak, bigger killers lurk for Hong Kong’s elderly living alone – isolation and panic
- Coronavirus: Hong Kong’s care homes keep Covid-19 at bay, but ‘loneliness epidemic’ strikes elderly residents as family members keep away
Making a Difference 傑出貢獻 (TC)
Speaking Out 勇敢發聲 (EN)
Speaking Out 勇敢發聲 (TC)
Yiing Sze Fong
Yiing Sze Fong
關於 Mind HK 媒體獎
如有疑問,請電郵至 [email protected]。