(英語) 我們與污名的距離:語言與精神健康

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About this event

Our choice of words have a powerful effect on our interpretations and attitudes towards mental health conditions.

Join us on 28th July 2022 from 12:30pm to 1pm for a conversation with Claudia, Mind HK Ambassador, on a discussion on the relationship between language, stigma and mental health and how our use of language can affect our own and others perception of mental health.

Event details:

Date & Time 日期時間 : 28 July 2022 12:30PM – 1PM HKT
Mode 模式:Zoom Live Event
Guest 嘉賓:Claudia, Mind HK Ambassador
Moderator 主持人:Vicki (Mind HK Antistigma Project Coordinator)
Language 語言:English

Click here to learn more about the ‘More Than a Label’ antistigma programme: www.morethanalabelhk.com

Claudia’s story: I’m a survivor of adverse childhood experienes, complex trauma, sexual assault; I also enjoy singing in chorus, exploring art galleries and reading mysteries, and am neurodivergrent. All of which are facets of me! Although my experiences impacted my mental health and physical health, struggling with a mishmash aftermath of depression, anxiety and trauma, fostered my passion to start speaking about the many sides to mental health struggles, in hopes of breaking the stigma and starting a real conversation about it. My journey to recovery taught me a lot, in particular, the fact that you’re here in the present moment means that you have been trying your best, because you have survived till today. To me, life is not about waiting for or getting to that light at the end of the tunnel, it’s about lighting up that tunnel yourself, along your way, with each step you take, whether forward or backwards, whichever direction!


「More Than a Label 我就是我」是香港心聆與思健合作策劃的計劃,計劃源於我們希望改變大眾對精神疾病患者的觀感。由怡和集團贊助,此計劃透過邀請復元人士分享他們的精神健康復元故事,來展示他們最真實的一面、描繪最真實的自己,藉此鼓勵大眾擺脫對精神疾病的固有觀念、污名及標籤。


“More than a Label 我就是我” is Mind HK new campaign in partnership with MINDSET, which stems from its goal of changing and influencing the public’s perception towards persons with diagnosable mental health conditions. Funded by Jardines Matheson, this campaign encourages the public to look beyond the typical, stigmatising, labels associated with mental health diagnoses. Through personal stories of mental health journeys, we want to showcase realistic portrayals of people who have faced mental health problems and recovered and depict their holistic identity.

With this campaign, we hope to raise awareness of the stigma towards persons with mental health conditions, celebrate the resilience and strength of people in recovery, and educate and equip the public with mental health knowledge. We believe this will facilitate more conversation in mental health, which will in turn help destigmatise mental health in Hong Kong.