This event is organised by Mind HK in partnership with MINDSET and in collaboration with Suicide Prevention Services. Sign up here

Join us in a panel discussion with Jeff, Samuel and Leon from Suicide Prevention Services on sharing the importance of not only mental health, but men’s mental health. We will be discussing about the importance of speaking up about one’s mental health and the positive effects it could have to not only yourself but also those around you.

Mental health carries a lot of stigma in our society. Men’s mental health carries an additional load of stigma surrounding their mental health due to stereotypes surrounding them. Men commonly avoid seeking help for mental health issues and often try to handle them on their own. Unfortunately, this can lead to severe consequences, including risky behaviours, addiction, and suicide.

It is crucial that we understand the reasons behind men’s reluctance to seek help from mental health and increasing men’s mental health awareness can also lead to individuals, friends and family help identify warning signs of their loved ones. Join us in listening to our ambassadors share about their experiences with depression and anxiety and what gave them the courage to seek help.

Event details

Date: Tuesday, 20th August 2024
Time: 1-2PM HKT
Mode: Online zoom discussion
Guest: Leon (Suicide Prevention Services), Samuel (Mind HK Ambassador), Jeff (Mind HK Ambassador)
Language: Cantonese
Price: The event is free entry, donations are welcome and encouraged – all proceeds will go back to support Mind HK’s anti-stigma work.
Sign up: Click here

Guest Introduction

Jeff (Mind HK Ambassador)
Jeffrey is a father of two and has worked in the advertising field for over decades. He loves exercising and practices meditation regularly as part of the ways to keep his mental health in check, this is crucial when we live in this fast paced always switched on city.

Samuel (Mind HK Ambassador)
Samuel was raised in Hong Kong. He is currently working on European sustainable energy investment in Japan, and going back to school in the UK later this year.
Samuel has struggled with bipolar disorder for ten years and fortunately has overcome it. Seeing more and more mental health related incidents occurring in the society in recent years, he wants to help the general public understand mental health more personally through telling his lived experience, and give support to those who are experiencing similar struggles.

Leon(Suicide Prevention Services Senior Program Manager)
Mr. Leon Yue (registered social worker) holds a master degree in social work (mental health) and a master degree in counselling. He is the current Suicide Prevention Services Senior Program Manager, managing the 24-hour hotline service and supporting youth and community mental health projects. He has 20 years of social work experience, including school social worker, family counselling and residential care. He also owns years of supervising and professional training experiences.

Moderator Introduction

Henry Chan (Training and Partnership Manager)
Henry learned about Mind HK during the Mental Health Conference 2017, and joined the Mind HK team, as he wishes to improve the mental health condition in Hong Kong through education and awareness works.
Henry obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the University of Bath and worked as an Honorary Assistant Psychologist at a local hospital in the United Kingdom before coming back to his hometown. His previous work focused on conducting assessments and light intensity rehabilitations for individuals with various backgrounds. During work, he realised that there are huge differences in mental health attitudes and knowledge between the HK and UK community. The stigma has a significant impact on a person’s experience and recovery.
Therefore, Henry joined Mind HK aiming to improve the current situation and contribute through education and awareness work. He is a qualified Mental Health First Aid Instructor and delivers mental health training and workshops.. He believes that reducing stigma and improving awareness are the first steps to improve support in Hong Kong, and he also wishes to collaborate and work with different like-minded parties to facilitate such change.

“More than a Label 我就是我” is Mind HK campaign in partnership with MINDSET, which stems from their goal of changing and influencing the public’s perception towards persons with diagnosable mental health conditions. Funded by Jardines Matheson, this campaign encourages the public to look beyond the typical, stigmatising, labels associated with mental health diagnoses. Through personal stories of mental health journeys, we showcase realistic portrayals of people who have faced mental health problems are in recovery to ignite hope in others and encourage help-seeking.
With this campaign, we hope to raise awareness of the stigma towards mental health conditions, celebrate the resilience and strength of people in recovery, and educate and equip the public with mental health knowledge. We believe this will encourage more conversation in mental health, which will in turn help destigmatise mental health in Hong Kong.