Author Archives: CarolAdmin

[PRESS RELEASE] Supporting mental well-being for all this holiday season! Mind HK enhances their “Help Me Virtual Assistant” with emotional check-in features and interactive self-help activities

Supporting mental well-being for all this holiday season!
Mind HK enhances their “Help Me Virtual Assistant”
with emotional check-in features and interactive self-help activities

(20th December 2023 – Hong Kong) – The holiday period is a time of joy and celebration for most of us.

[PRESS RELEASE] Mind HK’s “More Than A Label: I was, I am, I will be” Exhibition Celebrates the 1st Anniversary of the Anti-stigma Campaign and Brings the Voice of Lived Experiences to Encourage Mental Health Conversations in the City

(14th November 2022 – Hong Kong) – The “More Than A Label” anti-stigma campaign was launched by Mind HK in partnership with the Jardine Matheson Group’s charity – MINDSET Hong Kong (MINDSET) in 2021.

Coronavirus Outbreak: Mental Health Tips

There is no doubt there is a lot of uncertainty around the current Coronavirus outbreak, particularly given that the situation is constantly developing and the information about the virus remains incomplete.

Mind over Media

For many people, the media is the primary source of information about mental illnesses, such as depression and bipolar disorder.

Expressing Sadness

Sadness: an emotion that we all experience, yet for some reason we all feel the need to hide. No one ever wants to talk about not being okay — but why exactly is that?