Mind HK Ambassador

The Support of Medication, Counselling and Pop Music

Hello, this is Sandy. I am a Psychology graduate and currently working in a position that serves and trains ASD children. I’m also a mental health advocate. I’m glad to see our mental health awareness has improved compared to a couple of years ago, but I believe there’s room for improvement. Besides, I’m a pop music lover. Pop music has had a huge impact on my life and my mental health journey. I resonate with songs that can reflect my feelings and emotions. I feel understood while listening to music.


I was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and depression back in 2014. I decided to seek professional help and get a formal diagnosis after my poor academic performance and subsequent emotional breakdown. This diagnosis changed my life.

I felt so relieved after my ADHD diagnosis since I thought I was just lazy like everybody said and blamed myself for that all those times. I sincerely believed being unproductive and inattentive was entirely my fault. I was also diagnosed with depression, which made me finally face the emotions I was suppressing all along.

Now I take medications daily and see a counsellor regularly for my mental condition. I’m very grateful that most people in my life are very supportive of me getting the help I need, but the rest may not be the same. It is very discouraging when some may say things like “You just need to try harder” or “I think you shouldn’t rely on medications”, which absolutely stigmatises mental illness and the action of seeking help.

However, I’m very glad that I have my counsellor and music that gave me hope in my recovery. My counsellor helped me a lot by giving me a safe space to talk about my issues, developing healthier coping skills, and increasing my self-awareness. These are crucial for my mental health because I didn’t have a space for them or receive education about them when growing up. My counsellor and the sessions offer me the hope that I can cope with my problems and recover healthily. On the other hand, I have mentioned that I am a pop music lover. I spend lots of time listening to music every single day, and music has a significant impact on me. When songs resonate with my feelings and emotions, I feel like I’m not alone and my depression is soothed.

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